Monthly Archives: October 2014

TD Dale Monday of the Western National Sends Along This Message!!

Your Source for Shuffleboard News

wsa logo from dale mondayThe 2014 Western National Open Team Shuffleboard Tournament will be held in Mesa, AZ, with teams competing against each other from November 3rd through 8th. This is the largest shuffleboard tournament in the world!  (We hope to provide coverage!)

The tournament consists of 24 teams (each team consists of 16 to 18 shufflers) from Canada and the United States. 

A1 Site US Nats 2003 Greenfield Park MesaThe tournament will be held at three locations:  Greenfield Village RV Resort (host resort), located at 111 S. Greenfield Road; Venture Out RV Resort, 5001 E. Main Street; and Sunland Village, the resort’s main entrance is on Diamond Ave and East of Greenfield Rd. (Click on pic to explode)

Each team will play one another and will play 4 games per day on Monday through Friday and 3 games on Saturday.  The game times are 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. daily.  The event is free and open to the public. 

Dale Monday,  Tournament Director…

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The District 7 annual season kick-off was held on the Valley Wide grounds. Re-named the Ray Patterson Annual Picnic to honor its long time organizer. He accepted the plaque from Don Berry on behalf of District 7.


The many hours of hard work by President Lois Depesynski and Sharyn DiChiro were evident by the smoothness of the event. Even to the moving ahead of the times to get ahead of the anticipated extra-hot weather.
The “Golden Smoothies” entertained with “Octoberfest” themed songs and were well received.


Lunch was served up by the long time picnic sponsors, Miller-Jones. everyone was fed in a short time. Brats, potato salad, pickles, cookies, and soft drinks or water made good picnic fare.


With around 275 picnic goers, the yearly event was again a success. The move from the city park, that was damaged by a wind storm this year, to the Valley Wide facility went well and will no doubt will be the venue in the future.As Valley Wide supplies the tables and chairs anyway, it was much more convenient all-around.

Shade was not plentiful but most moved the chairs and tables to keep up with it. It was over by 1:00, before the heat got bad.

Also in attendance was District 5 President, Russel Smart and his wife Barbara.

Now we are getting anxious to start league play and see the team alignments for this year.