Monthly Archives: July 2018

Tournament Held in Upscale Venue

by Dean Grattidge  District 7 Reporter
Hemet West hosted the annual CSA any doubles tournament from July 23-27, 2018.  A total of 96 players took part in this event. Games were 12-frame, doubled, with players changing sides at half time, taking their discs with them.
Personnel volunteering their efforts were:
ATM’s Lynda Goggin and Carole Anderson, scorekeeper, Nelda Lichtwald, head ref, George Hayner and a three man crew maintaining the boards in a professional manner: Paul Epps, Ken Norris and Charles Smith.
Funding was provided by The Bank of Hemet and Hemet West Management. Many thanks to them for that.
Three businesses contributed 21 wonderful gift certificates and cash: Chili’s Restaurant, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Applebee’s Restaurant.
One can only surmise that these winners ostensibly articulated the essential elements of shuffleboard success: sound decision-making, checking the scoreboard,  maintaining their balance and rhythm in shooting and patience.
It’s always an honor to acknowledge the winners.
First place, champ1.jpgRobert Brooks (SDSE) and Jay Davidson (Hemet West),
second place,
Grace Ferrone (Hemet Muni) and John Brock (CCC),
third place,
Bog Klingenberg and Liz Backus (Sun City)
and fourth place,
Amber Brown and Jack Anderson (Hemet Muni).
Consolation bracket: First place,
Paul Egly (SDSE) (not pictured)and Ron Needham (Seven Hills),
second place,
Linda Cullop and Norma Farmer (Hemet West),
third place,
David and Jackie O’Gwynn (Villa del Monte), their first tournament win,
and fourth place, a first win for them,
Georgia Marchand and Gerry Abbott (CCC).
Lunches were great – many thanks to Becky Grass and Glenda Epps. Choices for four days being: ham sandwiches,
turkey sandwiches and Hawaiian  chicken salad, with a drink, chips and a cookie.
Again,  many thanks to all volunteers and players working together to make this such a successful event.

Jim and Beth Allen Arrive in High River Alberta!!

Your Source for Shuffleboard News

Jim and Beth Allen Speak:  Anticipation. One of the greatest emotions we as human beings are blessed to behold. Today Beth and I are filled with great anticipation as we roll into High River and greet our shuffling friends from all over the world.

The 37th World Championships start Monday, but in reality they begin the moment you see a friend in the hotel lobby, or maybe even in the airport. Or maybe just a Facebook post from a traveler. For I believe there are 2 events in High River- and each carries tremendous importance to us all.
The games themselves are one event, and who takes home medals are yet to be determined. Anticipation of the victory – and the optimistic spirit all competitors enjoy at this moment runs rampart to each and every player.
The second event is found in the friendships, the camaraderie, the bonding of human…

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Reported by: Carol Blasingame
Congratulations to Sun City’s any Singles Tournament held Monday, July 9 through Wednesday the 11th, 2018. There were 60 registered participants representing Colonial Country Club, El Grande,, Golden Village Palms, Foothills of Hemet, Hemet Muni, Hemet West, Sierra Dawn Southeast, Seven Hills and Villa Del Monte.
On behalf of the District 7 tournament team and it does take a team to have a successful tournament. From the Board Crews, the ATMs, the Referees and the Scorekeepers. I would like to extend  a thank you to all. Especially to those scorekeepers and referees who were not playing and came out to help anyhow. As this Tournaments Head Scorekeeper it was my pleasure to have so meany volunteers  respond to my call and needs.  It’s hard enough to fill Karla’s big shoes she is sorely missed.
Congratulations also goes to the following players who won their divisions.
 For the Championship division we had (l-r) ​First Place Bob Klingenberg, Second Place Larry Pierce, Third Place Tootie Chittenden, Fourth Place Tom Armijo; (Tom had a medical emergency and wasn’t available for the pictures)

for the ​​​​Consolation division we had​ (r-l)First Place Jay Davidson, Second Place David Ruch, Third Place Amber Brown, Fourth Place Georgia Stufflebeam.

High River AB Hosts the 37th ISA beginning just 10 Days From To-day!!

Your Source for Shuffleboard News

Remember, High River AB, the location of the 37th ISA is situated right in the Wild West!! Some of you may have attended the Calgary Stampede, the epitome of Wild West Behaviour; if you have, I need say no more. The organizers of the ISA Event tell me that the “37th” will have some of the Western Spirit, some of the Western Adventure!! We, at “The Shuffler” will endeavour to capture some of that spirit, some of that adventure.

I well remember the first time I attended the Stampede, circa 55 years ago. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans led the parade! Click on pic of them to bring back memories you may have.  Apparently I was keen at taking pix, even then. I insert the next two family pix to prove to you that we too, were young once. That is me with two of our sons, and next pic…

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International Shufflers Ready to Rock at High River Alberta.

Your Source for Shuffleboard News

Heritage Inn Classic Singles. June 6th to June 9th.

By Kevin Rushworth
Players from around the world will soon travel to High River for the 37th International Shuffleboard Association (ISA) World Championship, and local organizers are eagerly anticipating their arrival.
Ken Wardley, vice president of the Foothills Shuffleboard Association (FSA), said they initially applied to the ISA two years ago and received confirmation of the town being the host site in October 2016.
The competition takes place at the Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex from July 15 to 20.
“One of the biggest things is certainly having the exposure of shuffleboard in High River (and) hopefully we’ll have a lot of spectators who will watch this international play,” he told the Times.
As reported, the club received support from Wayne Anderson, Highwood MLA, MP John Barlow and the MD of Foothills. The Town of High River granted the use…

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