Monthly Archives: September 2018

This Thursday, September 13 at 3pm over at 7-Hills, there will be a strategy class that is open to all of us. It is given by Lou Wilson. Newer players as well as some of us old timers can definitely benefit from this. Hope to see some of you there.



Despite what I thought was a late afternoon start, around 75 Hemet shufflers showed up to hear Lou Wilson share his knowledge of the game of Shuffleboard. Newer players and what I call “seasoned” players all can benefit from a few hints on strategy. We all want to improve our play of course, and Lou kindly showed us ways to do just that.

Lou startted playing in 1992. His record is a long one with wins in most of the yearly tournaments played here in Hemet. He has played in Nationals, Internationals and many times he traveled to Arizona to play in th big Western Team Tournament. His proudest moments were the times he was able to best Rocky Briggs and Roland Schneider, legendary Hemet shufflers. And he shared tidbits from Fred Day and Gigi Briggs. Two of Hemet’s best teachers of the game.

The class lasted about an hour. There were many scenarios accompanied by, “always do this”, “you can try this” and “never do this”.

I’m sure each shuffler present learned something and all said a big,




Large Turnout for Team Tournament

by Dean Grattidge,   District 7 Reporter
The upscale venue of Hemet West hosted this annual event from Sept. 5-7, 2018. Each of the 10 teams fielded approximately 10 players. The total number of entries was 101.
    Leaders of the teams were:
Colonial Country Club, Cap. Debra McCaffrey, Co-Cap. Margarita Erwin.
Foothill of Hemet, Cap. Howard Harrel, Co-Cap. George Baslak.
Hemet Muni, Cap. Nadine Hackett, Co-Cap. Fran Hayner.
Villa Del Monte, Cap. Kristi Brinegar, Co-Cap. Sharyn Metzner.
Sierra Dawn South East, Cap. Helen Noeltner, Co-Cap. Roland Schneider.
Hemet West, Cap. Tootie Chittenden, Co-Cap. Paul Epps.
Sierra Dawn South, Cap. Dennis Sondrini, Co-Cap. T. J. Sondrini..
7 Hills, Cap. Ruby  Best, Co-Cap. Wanda Souza.
El Grande Estates, Cap. Jeannie Gregory; Co-Cap Harry Gregory.
Golden Village Palms, Cap. George Hayes, Co-Cap. Helen Bell.
Club president, Glenda Epps was continually on hand to help give support for this tournament as was Tootie Chittenden.
These were the partners having ramped up their skills from ordinary to extraordinary who accepted the handsome plaques honoring their success.
The first to fourth place finishes were by these teams:
First place: Kristi Brinegar and Sharyn Metzner, playing out of Villa del Monte.
Second place: led by Nadine Hackett and Fran Hayner from Hemet Muni.
Third place: Jeannie Gregory and Harry Gregory, bringing together their team from El Grande Estates.
Fourth place: Helen Bell, directing a team made up of SDSE players.
As is now a tradition, Aaron Young, officer of The Bank of Hemet, stopped by to hand out the awards to the winners.
Again, Harlan Mathews down-loaded wonderful photos of the four top teams.
A number of participants stepped forward to receive their awards from the door prize drawings.